So after bypassing the release date by almost a month the next installement in South african house DJs, DJ Claude's, compilations is finally out in stores (wow shitty english rules supreme!). Stereo Candi: Essential Tunes 2 apprently follows along the same lines as its predeccesor, smooth rolling deep house with that fine vocal touch that Claude loves to add. Expect tracks from the likes of Magic Number, Phonique, Aya, Quentin Harris, Franck Roger and Morgan Page. Joburg based radio station YFM has been punting this album to the point of exhaustion so here's hoping it lives up to the hype. Im off to the store now to have a listen let you guys know what I think soon.
In stores now in SA.
Ill try to find out international friends a good online supplier.
Yo this Mix CD is good, I have a copy of it. Really Deep and a good slection of tunes on there Esp Track 2 "You that i'am with " on Phonque that tack really hot, also Track 13 by Aubery.
Yo, Claude had us all banging @ 9Bar in Maritzburg on Saturday 07 May with the soulful house tunes for the CD.
Well, I want to respond to Ray's article "Glen Lewis pulls a fast one".I'd like to say finally someone is now taking note when it comes to production from the big boys and as well to create an awareness of exactly what is going on.You see what Glen Lewis did, its not right.I believe in creativity and at the same token theres nothing with sampling here and there but when it come to chopping beats as they are, Im against it.
I don't know if those guys know whats the meaning of remixing.Take for example Oskido, his track Zabalaza, I know the original artist but they go on say produced it, what they did, they added vocals on the track and thats it.I wonder if they even gave credit to the orginal artist.Hes not the only one chopping beats, there are a number of them and i feel its wrong.So Ray, thanks a lot for the awareness, I was wondering all along, who will come up forth and tell us the exactly what is going on with faking production.Its totally wrong, especially when those are big name acts.
Peace to you RAY and I hope everyone sees this and start opening their ears to underground music.
I live shaven poosey. wow wow wi wa
Concerning Ray's article on Glen Lewis, its something that has had to be mentioned so i say big ups to you my man. Without a doubt Glenzo as he calls himself has not only let himself down but he has put a dent on the content of South African production efforts, one has to realise that he(Glen), is a well known DJ im not sure if its just that he really goes not give anymore about the masses or that he has done his time but watever it is all i have to say about it is that we now can separate the men from the boys
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